Skin Procedures – Medical Facials


SilkPeel™, is a breakthrough system that combines precision non-invasive exfoliation with Dermalinfusion, deep delivery of skin-specific solutions, to improve and revitalize the skin. SilkPeel® is the most dynamic skin treatment available today. It is in the only procedure featuring Dermalinfusion™, the non-invasive exfoliation and delivery of skin-specific solutions, leaving patients with fresher-feeling and better-looking skin.

SilkPeel™ is safe and painless, allowing patients to achieve optimum results on an accelerated basis without the complications and discomfort usually associated with invasive procedures. In addition, SilkPeel is unique because it does not use crystals or other abrasive particles that can irritate the skin.

Price $150



Glycolic Peels

Alpha hydroxy acids in concentrations of 30 to 70 percent are applied for two to five minutes (or more depending on skin texture and condition) to slough away the upper layer of dead skin cells as well as penetrate into the upper layers of the dermis to soften fine lines, promote a healthy glow, encourage better penetration of other skin-care products or even dry out an acne flare up. Glycolic peels are no-downtime procedures, with mild redness or irritation the only likely after-effect. Results vary depending on skin condition and daily regimen of home skin product used.

Price $150.00 – $300.00 Glycolic Acid Peels come in varied strengths and concentrations.



Anti-Aging Vitamin C – Peel

This is an amazing treatment for all skin types including even the most sensitive skin. Vitamin C will help skin appear firmer and more radiant, fighting environmental and free radical damage to help the skin’s immune response. This peel also helps reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, patches, sun-damage and uneven texture. This is a perfect lunch time peel with no flaking of the skin or any down time.

Price $150


Lactic Acid Peels

The 70% Lactic Acid peel is used for skin rejuvenation. Patients with acne, moderate wrinkling, or sun damage can achieve noticeable results in the look and feel of their skin New collagen and elastic fibers are produced in the dermal layer of the skin. Over a period of time, the skin’s surface begins to look younger and smoother. The restoration of elasticity actually causes the disappearance of fine lines!

Price $200.00



Jessner Peels

The common name for a deeper-peeling solution of resorcinol with lactic and salicylic acids, the Jessner’s solution is layered on the skin to treat pigmentation, acne, acne scarring and other skin irregularities. Aggressive peeling and occasional crusting forms within two to four days of the peel, depending on how many layers of the solution are applied and condition of the skin at the time of treatment. Redness and swelling may last a few days or more. Results are visible with new, clearer skin within 3 to 4 days.

Price $200.00